Recordándote mi querida amiga: | Remembering my dear friend: |
Es casi una vida en este planeta y la eternidad en el otro. La experiencia en éste en tu compañía es inolvidable. | It has been almost one life on this planet and eternity in the next. The experiences I had with you in this world were unforgettable. |
Desde que partiste a un lugar mejor y donde espero reunirme en forma permanente con todos nuestros queridos parientes y amigos, me he quedado con la plena confianza que pasaremos momentos sino iguales mucho más divertidos volando por el universo. | Ever since you departed to a better place–one where I expect to be reunited with you in a permanent manner, alongside all our dear family and friends–I have arrived at the conclusion, with much confidence, that we will spend wonderful times if not equal to but even more entertaining, flying through the universe. |
Sabés muy bien que desde tu partida no dejo de querer contarte lo que se me ocurre diariamente, y también sabés que te extraño y extraño nuestras visitas y charlas bien condimentadas con sal y pimienta. Cuando pasa algo que es digno de comentario quisiera compartirlo con vos y es ahí donde siento el vacío de tu ausencia. No tengo a nadie más para pasar esos momentos íntimos y cómplices que siempre tuvimos. | You know very well that since your departure, there has been no lack of daily occurrences in my life that I wish to share with you. You also know that I miss you and miss our visits and conversations, well seasoned with salt and pepper. When something happens that is worthy of commentary, I long to share it with you and in that instant is just when I feel the void of your absence. I don’t have anyone left to spend those intimate moments with my partner in crime that we shared together. |
Cristi, no hay nadie como vos. No hay nada que hacer: podremos hablar dos minutos en serio pero no nos dura nada y la madurez de nuestra edad, seguimos siendo unas “teenagers” de corazón. | Cristi, there is nobody like you. It was always a helpless situation. We have never been able to initiate any serious conversation that in a few minutes would not turn in an explosion of laughter and humorous commentaries–not proper for our mature age. We continue being teenagers at heart. |
Cristi, no se puede ser con otros como cuando estamos juntas. Todos han sido momentos únicos, preciosos. | Cristi, we can’t act the same way around others the way we act when we are together. They have all been unique, precious moments. |
Sos el epítome de la alegría y el humor. Das vida a cada persona que te conoce. | You are the epitome of happiness and humor. You give life to every person that knows you. |
Te imagino en el Tercer Cielo, en el Reino de Dios, esta vez sin ningún temor de andar por el agua con el velero maravilloso de tu querido Andrés y rodeada de todos los perros que te ganaron la partida en tu mansión creada especialmente para vos. Celebro tu vida aquí y allá, y te doy gracias por tu gran amistad y el cariño que me brindaste siempre. Sé que estarás presente en mi cumpleaños, así te digo hasta pronto, mi querida Cristi. | I imagine you in the Third Heaven, in the Kingdom of God, this time without any fear to ride the seas in your dear husband André’s beautiful sailboat, surrounded by all the dogs that went before you to your mansion created especially for you. I celebrate your life here and over there, and I thank you for your great friendship and the affection I have always received from you. I know that you will be present at my birthday, and so I say to you “see you soon” my dear Cristi. |
Con el cariño de siempre, te recuerdo y te abrazo. | With much love as always, I remember you and embrace you. |
Tu amiga, Betty |
Your friend, Betty |
Inolvidable / Unforgettable
29 Jul 2013 Beatriz Fleischer